La fête des filles


Le 3 mars est un jour important pour les petites filles japonaise, celui du hina matsuri; qui les met à l'honneur.
Sous l'influence de la philosophie importée de Chine, on célèbre depuis l'antiquité à la cour du Japon les cinq fêtes traditionnelles (sekku).
Le hina matsuri est né de l'association d'un rite de purification utilisant des feuilles de papier en forme de personne (hinagata). Il est devenu par la suite une fête dont le but était de souhaiter le bonheur des filles car, dans la culture antique, le "hina asobi" on jeu de poupée était, comme on peut s'en douter, un divertissement principalement féminine.
La principale attraction de cette fête est l'autel présentant de somptueuses poupées réalisées avec plus grand soin, qui représent la famille impériale et les surviteurs de la cour de Kyoto.
La coutume veut qu'on le place en décoration quelques jour avant la fête, puis qu'on le range immédiatement à la fin pour souhaiter aux filles célibataires de la maisonnée un mariage san encombre.

In ancient china, people would perform ablutions on the day of the snake in the 3rd month of the Chinese calendar, this seasonal event was called josh-no-sekku. This custom was imported to Japan and become a royale event. People began a tradition of throwing dolls into river, a ritual believed to carry impurities and sickness. This customer to be called nagashi-bina, and is the origin of Doll's festival. Dolls have been the most popular toys among girls since the Heian period, and the phase hina-asobi combined to become the Doll's festival. Over time, people started to display elaborate dolls of the emperor and empress, along with attendants and luxurious miniature furniture. It was a tradition for the mother's family to send hina dolls to grand daughters with the girls including these dolls among their trousseaus.

Yurihonjō Hinakaidō, meaning "Yurihonjō city hina doll route," is the name of an event held in March in Yurihonjō city in Akita prefecture in Japan, in which visitors can follow a map of public displays of this event.
These ships often brought the latest trends and crafts from the imperial capital in Kyoto, among them the traditional Hina dolls. In 2005, the new city of Yurihonjō was created as a result of a merger of seven towns and one city. Many households had fine Hinamatsuri doll sets, and so in 2008 the new city organized this Yurihonjō Hinakaidō event.he Hina Doll tour of Yurihonjō tried to encompass the different areas of the newly merged city with over 50 different locations divided into four main areas.


